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    Choosing to say “I love you. Thank you for being.”

    The text I received two nights ago from across the oceans read as follows:
    “I met you for the first time 16 years and 5 months ago…unbelievable what one chance meeting can mean in one’s life. I adore you and love that I chose to meet you even when I didn’t want to be there.”
    By “there […]

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    Luanda Living

    Yesterday, I woke up at 4 am in a minor panic – wondering if my man was ok.
    He was on his way from London to Luanda, Angola, via Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
    This may sound like a crazy itinerary, but its par for the course around here.
    I knew he had made it to Ethiopia but I hadn’t received the u […]

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    Life is good

    Ten years ago, today, I did something wild and crazy. I married my man.This is how old we were. 
    Life is good.
    Sometimes it asks you to suspend your belief in logic, right and wrong, and common sense.
    Act accordingly.

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    My man is a man of action

    This is true in many ways, but particularly in our relationship.
    So am I. Well, not a man of action, but you know what I mean. But since it’s easier to spot things in other people, than in ourselves sometimes, I’m gonna talk about him for now.
    Ever since we met, he has been doing all kinds of cr […]

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    Loving someone when all you want to do is slam the door (to your heart) in their face

    I am a huge fan of David Deida, and this morning a quote of his popped up on my FB feed.
    “Within a relationship, your responsibility is stated as ‘I am not going to retract my heart from you, even if you’re being an asshole.’”
    Yes! It’s so true!
    In my wild and amazing, 15-year, roller-co […]